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diamond news

Stienhardt & Stones: Leading Lab-Grown Diamonds Manufacturer Now Selling Direct to Consumers

Stienhardt & Stones has emerged as a pioneering force in the realm of lab-grown diamonds, defying traditional standards and establishing a direct-to-consumer approach. Their dedication to superior quality, ethical standards, and cutting-edge technology positions Stienhardt & Stones at the forefront…

Choosing the Perfect Diamond Shape for Your Personality and Style

When it comes to selecting a diamond shape for your engagement ring or any other piece of jewellery, there are several factors to consider. This blog post will guide you through the process of choosing the best diamond shape based…

Retailers Are Pushing for Smaller Lab-Grown Detectors – De Beers: A Look at Industry Trends and Technological Innovation

Unveiling the New Era of Lab-Grown Diamond Detection: A Retail Revolution In an industry where authenticity and trust are paramount, the rising demand for lab-grown diamond detection devices in retail stores marks a significant shift. De Beers, a name synonymous…